Page 11 - SPA 2022_ENG
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thus  establishing  the  overall  total  number  of  It is important to note that the spirit of teamwork,
          appointment for 2022 at 47,926.                   integrity, accountability and professionalism
                                                            among PSC personnel  are  the key  factors  that
          Furthermore, a  total of 14,546 officers  were  underpin the PSC’s excellence over the years.
          confirmed in service and 10,499 were conferred
          pensionable establishment during  the same  In conclusion, I  wish  to extend my gratitude
          period.  The PSC has also deliberated on 51  and  utmost  appreciation  to all  PSC  personnel
          disciplinary cases and 500 cases of disciplinary  for  their invaluable contribution  towards PSC’s
          appeal.                                           accomplishments throughout the  year.  The
                                                            success would not have been possible without their
          In deliberating  the above matters, a  total of  exceptional cooperation, commitment, dedication
          34  Commission  Meetings,  34  Public  Service  and discipline.
          Disciplinary Appeal Board Meetings and 33 Public
          Service Promotion Appeal Board Meetings were  Thank you.
          held throughout 2022.

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